Locate the Elevation for Your Address Online

snowflakesWe’re facing the first snow of the season today. According to the wizards of the weather, if you live above 1500 feet elevation, you may get anywhere from 3 to 7 inches of snow! Which got me to wondering, not for the first time, “How can I find the elevation of our home?” We moved to West Windsor, NY a little over a year ago and immediately noticed (in October), when the forecasters say “trace amounts of snow in the valleys, but several inches on the hilltops” that we most often fall into the later category.

So when the forecasters today said significant snow above 1500 feet, I started searching, determined to finally figure out what our elevation is. And I found out how to do it:

  1. Go to: www.trails.com/maps.aspx
  2. Scroll down the page to the section titled, “Search for Topo Maps by Location” and enter an address in the box provided, then click search.
  3. You may get a screen asking you to join Trails.com (the website hosting this nifty feature). I clicked to “continue without joining” and viola. My address’ particulars appeared, including elevation. Neat.

Oh, our elevation is 1309 feet above sea level, which means we’ll get some snow, but hopefully not the 3 to 7 inches predicted.



